Completed Projects
Date of completion | Assignment name & brief description of the output | Name of client | Country of assignment |
February 2022 |
Consultancy services to support the Ministry of Water and Environment in Forestry Conservation through enhanced Natural Resources/ Forest-Based Enterprises under Farm Income Enhancement and Forest Conservation Programme (Project 2). ECASA conducted the following:
Ministry of Water and Environment/ Nordic Development Fund (NDF) | Uganda |
January 2022 | Gender Analysis of the Energy and Mineral Development Sector in Uganda. ECASA developed a Five Year Costed Gender Strategy and Action plan for the Energy and Mineral Development Sector in Uganda. | Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development / GIZ | Uganda |
November 2021 | Consultancy services to carry out a regional Gender Analysis for Coffee, Tea, Food Products and Gold Value Chains under RECLAIM SUSTAINABILITY! Program in Solidaridad East and Central Africa. ECASA analysed the different forms of inequality among farmers, miners and workers in Uganda and Kenya resulting from gender and social differences, and power imbalances, and made recommendations to address gender and social inequalities | Solidaridad East and Central Africa | Uganda and Kenya |
November 2021 | Consultancy Services to Conduct a National Research Study Aimed at Interrogating Gender Issues and Factors Hindering Access to Justice for Women and Children. ECASA investigated the experiences of women and children in accessing justice in both the formal and informal sector and provided recommendations for holistic programming for access to justice for women and children in both the formal and informal sector | Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET) | Uganda |
December 2020 | Gender, Youth and Social Inclusion Baseline Assessment of the USAID/Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau Local Service Delivery for Health and HIV/AIDS – USAID/UPMB–LSDA. ECASA analyzed the different forms of gender and social inequalities among the different categories of HIV and TB clients (women, youth, men, and PWD) and made recommendations for gender integration in health service delivery in the UPMB LSDA project | Uganda Protestant Medical Bureau / USAID | Uganda |
February 2020 | Consultancy services to carry out a regional Gender Analysis for Coffee, Tea, Food Products and Gold Value Chains under RECLAIM SUSTAINABILITY! Program in Solidaridad East and Central Africa. ECASA analysed the different forms of inequality among farmers, miners and workers in Uganda and Kenya resulting from gender and social differences, and power imbalances, and made recommendations to address gender and social inequalities | Global Fund CCM | Uganda |
September 2019 | Consultancy services for the review of 4th Year National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP) Performance and the preparation of the 2018/2019 Annual Joint AIDS Review Report (JAR 2019) | Uganda Aids Commission | Uganda |
October 2019 | Feasibility Study and Economic Evaluation of HIV Testing and Linkage Services in Uganda undertaken on behalf of Makerere School of Public Health (2019) | Makerere University School of Public Health – METS Program / CDC | Uganda |
March 2019 | Assessment of the Forestry status in the 6 EAC Partner States and Development of the EAC Forestry Policy and Strategy (2019) | WWF Tanzania |
EAC Member States Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan |
December 2018 | Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the New Energy Policy for Uganda (2020/2021 – 2025/2026) | Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development / GIZ | Uganda |
January 2019 | Development of the Uganda Women’s Network (UWONET) Strategic Plan 2018 -2023 | Irish Aid / DGF | Uganda |
August 2018 | Review of the 3rd Year National HIV/AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP) Performance and preparation of the Country AIDS Progress Response Report 2017/2018 | Uganda AIDS Commission / GoU | Uganda |
April 2018 | Review of Organizational Development and Change At AAH-U. | Action Africa Help International (AAH-U) | Uganda |
December 2017 | Situational analysis of HIV epidemic in the City of Kampala and developing of Kampala Capital City Authority HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy | World Bank / Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) | Uganda |
August 2017 | Assessment of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Institutions in EAC Partner States and to Identify Potential Regional Centers of Excellence in East African Community | East African Science and Technology Commission (EASTECO) |
EAC Member States Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan Developed |
July 2016 | Conducting a scoping study, needs assessment and undertaking capacity building and training of Ugandan Teachers in OVC psychosocial support services (2018) | USAID/CARDINO Emerging Markets | Uganda |
April 2016 | Baseline Assessment on Gender and Youth Social Inclusion for USAID Regional Health Integration to Enhance Services in South Western Uganda (USAID RHITES-SW) | Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF) | Uganda |
November 2015 | Country Assessment of Adolescent Component of The National HIV Programme. | African Network for The Care of Children Affected By HIV/AIDS (ANECCA) | Uganda |