Almost 5 years into the SDG era, countries in ECASA region are still being faced by multiple health challenges, notably, an increasing disease'...

Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”.

Underlying the food and nutrition situation are multiple challenges in achieving sustainable food production that threaten the achievement of the SDGs.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to encourage sustained economic growth by achieving higher levels of productivity and through technological innovation.

SDG 2 highlights the complex inter-linkages between food security, nutrition, rural transformation and sustainable agriculture. Achieving the “zero hunger”

SDG 7 is an essential component of several other SDGs, a golden thread in the sustainable development agenda. However, according to Energy Progress Report (2019)

The social dimension of sustainable development is concerned primarily with poverty reduction, social investment and the building of safe and caring communities.

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) can help accelerate progress towards every single one of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

We support sectors to integrate climate change measures into national and sector policies, strategies and planning processes in order to develop adaptive capacity to

As our planet becomes more vulnerable to climate change and disasters, we need a new way of thinking about risk and how to factor it into the development process.

ECASA Decentralization and Local Governance Cluster being a multi-disciplinary and multi-country team presents a good opportunity for private sector professionals to support national reforms

ECASA Clients

ECASA has over the years rendered a wide array of consulting services in natural resource management, market-oriented agricultural production, climate smart agriculture, governance, health and other socioeconomic development programs to national, regional, international, public and private institutions, CSOs and Development Agencies.