Almost 5 years into the SDG era, countries in ECASA region are still being faced by multiple health challenges, notably, an increasing disease burden arising from interactions between communicable diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). This is raising questions on the likelihood of Africa collectively achieving SDG 3, which seeks to contribute to sustainable development by achieving good health and well-being for all the earth’s citizens. The realization of universal health outcomes requires the action of many other sectors especially those related to social and economic affairs in addition to the health sector. Finding solutions to national health problems thus requires a highly trained, interdisciplinary workforce. ECASA Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Cluster being a multidisciplinary and multi-country team presents a good opportunity to address the national burden of disease and protecting and improving the health of the population in the ECASA region.
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Cluster

Specifically, the Cluster focuses on addressing the following health issues; Air pollution and climate change, Noncommunicable diseases, epidemic response and health system strengthening. Priority service areas include: health service research; program design monitoring and evaluation; health governance assessments; health policy analysis, gender and health analysis; strategic planning and management; capacity assessments and strengthening; health, safety and environment; health financing; health workforce recruitment, training and retention; supervision of health service delivery; and advocacy and social mobilization for health promotion.