Goal 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. While all SDGs are interlinked and support one another, access to water and sanitation is a foundation for development towards health, equity, gender equality and education. The success of many other SDGs relies on the achievement of WASH targets. Integration between ministries, sectors and stakeholders is crucial to achieving SDG 6, and the whole 2030 Agenda. The realization of universal WASH outcomes requires the action of many other sectors in addition to the water and environment and health sectors. Finding solutions to regional and national WASH problems thus requires a highly trained, inter-disciplinary workforce. ECASA WASH Cluster being a multi-disciplinary and multi-country team presents a good opportunity to strengthen the private sector contribution to realizing people’s human rights to safe water and sanitation.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Specifically, the Cluster focuses on addressing of WASH issues under the following thematic areas:
Water and Sanitation Technologies, Sanitation and Hygiene (Urban and Rural WASH), WASH Governance, WASH Financing, Water Resource Management and Water for Production. It is anticipated that the level of collaboration to be fostered by the clusters between WASH actors and the private sector experts will enable stakeholders to connect strategies and coordinate actions, maximizing opportunities and producing results that maximize the benefits and sustainability of services.